Gig Information
Essential information concerning the Gig Rowing section can be found as below.
Recent articles & further information can also be accessed via the Gig Rowing section's Facebook page here
If you need to get in contact with the Gig Rowing Captain please send an email to BOSMBSC@outlook.com
Life Jackets
1. Life jackets are to be worn at all times
By all persons on the club pontoons, when adjacent to deep water or strong currents, during launch and recovery, when entering and exiting the gig (including any on-water transfers between boats), during on-water seat changes, by all non-swimmers (i.e. those unable to swim 50 metres in open water), by all persons under 16 years of age, by all coxswains, by any person using the pilot seat, and are otherwise available upon request.
2. The on-water removal of life jackets by rowers (other than non-swimmers and under-16s) will be acceptable upon the instruction of the coxswain (either/or): · during organised race events, for race practice, when a support boat is in close attendance (this would include a second pilot gig) When removed, life jackets must remain with arm’s reach and be refitted promptly upon the instruction of the coxswain.
3. The coxswain will: ensure that a sufficient number of life jackets is available prior to the gig departing before instructing removal of life jackets ensure that conditions are not unduly hazardous, instruct the refitting of life jackets where hazardous conditions may arise, at all times have the final say on the wearing of life jackets.
We believe this to be a sensible compromise which covers all levels of rowing and swimming ability and meets our duty of care obligations towards participants, including young persons. Rowers choosing to remove lifejackets do so at their own discretion.
Gig Trailer Weight
Cornish Pilot Gig Weight - 440kgs
Gig Trailer Weight - 480kgs
Combined Gig & Trailer Weight (Incl Oars) - 920kgs