The club is served with both pontoon berths directly in front of the clubhouse where there is 24 hr access accessible via a walkway & swinging mud moorings granted within the shelter of the River Brue.
Berthing for some 24 craft is available on the club pontoon system. Berthing contracts are made between the club and members for a period of 12 months, this was previously for a period of 25years. Applications for a berth should be made in writing and sent to the Hon Secretary. Application forms may be obtained from this site or from inside the Stop Gap located within the compound. Space is also provided on the outside face of the seaward pontoon for members and visitors. Members may use this for one day in any seven without charge, but with permission of the pontoon officer. Any further period on the pontoon is chargeable.
Visitors may use the seaward pontoon, and are advised to contact the Pontoon Officer prior to arrival. Any matters relating to the pontoons should be addressed to the Pontoon Officer in the first instance. Please refer to Club Contacts within the BOSMBSC Members page for all relevant contact information.

We are very pleased to give a warm welcome to all visitors to Burnham on Sea Motor Boat and Sailing Club. For those arriving by sea we are able to offer visitors pontoon berthing, in the River Brue, with walkway access to the Sailing Club. All visitors are invited to become temporary members and sign the visitors book kept in the Stop Gap and Clubhouse. Temporary membership gains access to the clubhouse facilities.
Facilities include toilet blocks, showering, hot drinks and the clubhouse. A security key is obtainable from the Pontoon Officer to be returned before leaving pontoons. (Refundable £10 key deposit).
Berthing is in soft mud and is suitable for all fin and bilge keel craft. Access is normally possible between HW -2 and HW +2. Water and electricity is available on the pontoons. It is recommended that you liaise with the Pontoon Officer in the first instance to arrange a stay. Please refer to Club Contacts within the BOSMBSC Members page for all relevant contact information. For pilotage & entering Burnham On Sea & the River Brue please refer to the link here
The clubhouse is open every Wednesday, Friday & Saturday from 6pm - 10:30pm and every Sunday at 12 noon. You are very welcome to join us in the clubhouse for a drink. The Clubhouse enjoys excellent views of the River Parrett and the Bristol Channel.