Mud Swinging Moorings
Mud swinging moorings are offered in the shelter of the River Brue. A mooring license is required to keep a boat moored in the River Brue on all waters administered by Burnham on Sea Motor Boat and Sailing Club. This license is issued by the sailing club on behalf of Sedgemoor District Council and the Crown Commissioners. The mooring license fee is paid annually with membership fees to the Membership Secretary.
Applications for a mooring license should be directed to the Mooring Officer. The grant of a mooring license is to a named person for a specific location in the River Brue. The mooring must not be sub-let. All requests to change a mooring location should be addressed to the Mooring Officer. This fee does not include any ground tackle which must be supplied by the member separately
Mooring Rules
(a) Applications for mooring spaces shall be made in writing on the official Mooring Application Form obtainable from the notice-board. Fees shall be paid annually.
(b) All moorings in waters over which the Club has jurisdiction shall be laid to Club specifications and per the instructions of the Mooring Officer.
(c) Members shall act on instructions given by the Mooring Officer and shall move their moorings if in his opinion they have moved their position and are obstructing the fairway or endangering other boats. Members shall however have the right to appeal to the Management Committee against any such instruction and the decision of the Management Committee shall be final.
(d) One mooring is allowed per membership. Members requiring a second mooring for any reason may apply, in writing, to the general committee for consideration and/or approval.

The Mooring Officer
The Mooring Officer is responsible for all the moorings in the River Brue over which we have jurisdiction.
He will allocate a mooring space to all those members applying, for which a river licence is payable in respect of each one. This fee is chargeable by the Crown Commissioners and/or Sedgemoor District Council.
All moorings will be laid according to the specifications of the Mooring Officer. The actual mooring gear, sinkers, chains, warps, buoys remains the full responsibility of the actual member concerned.
No mooring may be sub let to any other person.
No mooring will be laid that interferes with any adjoining mooring, or be laid in the main navigable channel (This channel may move with time).
Any member may be required to move their mooring upon the request of the Mooring Officer.
Moorings must be inspected annually as to their fitness and for any wear and corrosion.
All moored vessels will be insured against third party risks as according to club rules.
All mooring equipment laid on shore such as posts and land lines will laid in such a manners so as to prevent any injury/harm to members of the public who may have access to the river bank.
The Mooring Officer will endeavour to give you the best advice to ensure your vessel is moored safely
Mooring Raft
We now have a refurbished raft for laying and servicing your moorings. To ensure your safety please observe the following rules:
Wear a lifejacket at all times on the water
Take a dinghy with you.
Take a means of calling for help, handheld vhf, or mobile phone. Tell someone where you are going before leaving the clubhouse.
Two persons required to use raft.
Do not overload.
Keep working area as unobstructed as possible
Secure your outboard with a lanyard. Please provide your own outboard, a 4hp motor is sufficient. Use of the club outboard is at the Mooring Officers discretion.
Seek permission from the Mooring Officer before using the raft. (This will avoid double booking).
Please take care when lifting weights from the river bed. When lifting a heavy weight the raft may become unstable.
Please consult the Mooring Officer as the best method of laying or recovering a mooring first